This page includes reports from our events, videos from our work so far, and the Authentic Voice podcast series.
Deep Dive Workshop – May 2022
The project partners are holding a series of deep dive workshops, bringing together stakeholders from a range of policy areas to discuss the barriers and enablers to embedding lived experience of gender-based violence and trauma into system and service design.
Launch event
On Thursday 3 March 2022 we held a virtual launch event for this project. The event provided an overview of the background to this work, a first look at the findings from our discovery exercise, and information on upcoming opportunities for engagement in future project activities.
Discovery Report
The Discovery Report is the culmination of the first phase of this programme of work. The project partners gathered learning on how survivor voice and lived experience is currently used in organisations across Scotland.
Poem: One Day
by Daughter of Authentic Voice Panel Member “Beggars can’t be choosers,” she told you. “You’ve waited long enough.” You were 25 when you came. Married after 9 days. You left warm breezes for bitter winds; banana plants for beech trees; coconuts for strawberries; sarees for full sleeves and lychees for dying leaves. “You’ll have a…