The ELLE Focus Group
This focus group aims to work alongside females with Lived Experience of Domestic Violence and other complex trauma to have their voices heard. The group was made up of 10 women with lived experience of domestic violence and other forms of complex trauma. Initially the focus was on how to share lived experience in a way that feels safe and supported and how to deal with the power dynamic of ‘them’ and ‘us’ with professionals. We explored what we would want to see from trauma informed services and then explored the Authentic Voice principles with a look at language and how people feel valued and heard.
The ELLE space was then used to share opinions and experience on a project exploring how to make cervical screening services more trauma informed. This group is still involved in this project and learning will enhance our focus as we move through the Authentic Voice project.
As Resilience Learning Partnership is a lived experience led organisation, with the majority of the staff having lived experience of complex trauma, it was decided to create a shared space where more of the staff and ELLE members could come together to push forward the co-production of resources. This group was named the Active Vision team and is made up of 5 staff members and 4 ELLE participants all collaborating to create resources that can be used for professionals, those with lived experience and those who fit into both. Further collaboration days are planned in 2023.